2012년 4월 18일 수요일

#4. The pilitical side of Impressionism.

    The Rue Montorgueil by Claude Monet and The Rue Mosnier with Flags by Edouard Manet have same theme and same view in the French festival of June 30th, 1878. Even though both of these paintings have same theme, they have just few similarities. Both of artist wanted to capture this moment at that time, so they made rough brushstrokes for quickly capturing that moment. Also, France flag was symbol in that festival, so both put the flags in the paintings. I guess that both of artists observed and drawn this painting from a window in the building. 
    The Rue Montorgueil by Claude Monet looks energetic. Lots of flags are waving as violently and a large crowned in the whole street. I feel like flag's waving have more vitality instead of crown in the painting. Monet's light and short brushstrokes made tension and vitality. Also, he used some intensive colors that makes more active and energetic. I guess that he had a good observation and skill for capturing a scene with tension and  vitality. Photo could have missed instant vitality but Monet could capture that moment with continuous fluid. When we first look at this painting, we do not notice about how he depicted. But when you look carefully, we notice that Monet used illusory conjunction technique. Even though there is not that much details, Monet draw a great painting.
    The Rue Mosnier with Flags by Edouard Manet looks relaxed than Monet's one. Because less flags are waving as weakly and few peoples are walking in the street. Manet used bright colors just like sun light so the painting looks more warm and bright. I guess that by using bright colors, France flags stand out than other figures. But somehow, in the foreground, a man who looks like a amputee veteran stand out as well. Through this man, Manet he wanted to express his experiences that many people scarified during the french revolution. In the middle of this painting, the street looks so empty and lonely, just like it represented that man's mind and feeling. Contrastively, on the right side, a elegant gentlemen is walking down the street. Through these figures, we could know that what reality is. People who scarified themselves in the fight are forgotten but rich and privileged group of people live happy life and control the social systems. Unlike Monet captured what is going on in the street as literally, Manet captured what is going on the social system in the country. Also, Manet's avant-gardism supports the aspects of both political radicalism and aesthetic radicalism. By increasing separability of radical art and politics, become part of the subject just like this painting.
      Even though both paintings have same theme and captured same day, two different artists made two perfectly different paintings. Monet just captured the celebrate moment in the street with vitality and tension. And Manet described the street with political issue in the festival of 30th June, 1878. Because both Monet and Manet have different technique and thinking, they could make two different great and beautiful art works.

댓글 1개:

  1. It was interesting that you thought the light and short brush strokes showed tension in the piece. The different movements you saw in the flags was also interesting, how one piece showed a weaker movement than the other. Connecting the piece to what the man’s mind was took a unique spin on the piece and I think that was very interesting to think about. Overall I enjoyed reading about you thoughts on these two pieces.
